View Hotel Booking AddonsEnable guests to add star ratings to your properties, provide more payment gateways, configure automatic payment request notifications via email and subscribe users to your MailChimp list by using the MotoPress Hotel Booking Addons. If you are building your hotel booking website on Divi or Elementor, free corresponding extensions are available to ensure flawless UX and the perfect interplay between the Hotel Booking plugin and page builders. The online hotel booking system (wordpress plugin) free download for some addons is possible.
Encourage your visitors by inputting the file upload module on the calculator, where they can add only the data you specified on settings. There are various files that can be attached to the WordPress Cost Calculator plugin: images, documents, audio, video, and tables. Define the maximum size and number of files depending on your intention. Moreover, you are able to monetize the element, which incredibly fits every business.
Cost Calculator V2.2.0 \\u2013 WordPress Plugin